Every idea that changed the world started with a spark of inspiration.

We help you strike the match.


What we do.

Gibson Dynamics, PLLC offers a range of coaching and consultation services to help you, your teams, and your organization address sticky problems and tap into potential. We use principles of behavioral science to design customized leadership and organizational well-being solutions that drive organizational effectiveness.

How we do what we do.

Our approach emphasizes healthy relationships and personal and organizational well-being. We (and the research) see health and wellness as a key factor in reducing the likelihood of costly future problems—like conflict, burnout, and turnover—and promoting all the good stuff that makes your organization great—like engagement, quality work, and innovation.

When you hire us, we’ll first get a sense of your unique needs with a temperature check to better understand your goals and the current state. Once we have a sense of what’s going on and where to start, we’ll get down to the creative stuff and build a plan. From there, we’ll get to work together.


About Anna.

(“AHH-nuh”) — Dr. / She / Her

Dr. Anna Gibson specializes in partnering with leaders and organizations to become happier and healthier places to work. As a licensed psychologist and organization development consultant, Anna is passionate about creating high-impact solutions to organizational problems; promoting organizational conditions that support employee well-being and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; and building ongoing client partnerships. She has consulted and provided services across all sectors and many industries, including state and federal government, tech, engineering, healthcare, academia, financial services, and more.

Anna holds a Psy.D. and M.A. in clinical psychology from the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Professional Psychology and was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Organization Development at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). She received a coaching certification from the VA’s Federal Internal Coach Training Program.

Read More about Dr. Gibson »


Our Practice

We offer national and international service delivery and work with clients on a virtual, mobile, and face-to-face basis. We also often work with clients in their place of business for an additional fee.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


The Spark.

Trying to stoke the fire? Start here.